Thursday 5 June 2008

Lohan�s dad lashes out at ex-wife

Lindsay Lohan�s father Michael has lashed out at his ex-wife Dina in his latest magazine column, blaming her for spreading �lies� about their actress daughter�s recent visit to hospital, reports.

In the second instalment of his weekly column for U.S. magazine Ok!, Michael voices concern over his ex�s parenting abilities on her reality show Living Lohan, claiming she lied to cover up the Mean Girls star�s recent hospitalization after an asthma attack. He writes: �What continues to frustrate me is the deception and hypocrisy ... If Dina is soooo worried about false tabloid reports, why is it that her own camp lied about Lindsay being in the hospital to visit a friend, when, truthfully, she had an asthma attack? Is it so bad to say that Lindsay did have an asthma attack? Why not just be honest and not lie?�

The rant comes amid the re-opening of the pair�s divorce proceedings. Michael has taken Dina to court amid claims she won�t allow him to visit with their younger children Cody, 11, and Aliana, 14.

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